Hermeneutics: Principle and Method of Biblical Interpretation, 1986, since then nine reprint; Revised Edition 2007, 2011, 2015, 2019; 457 pages. 《释经 学:诠释圣经的原则和方法》(修订版第四版).
Homiletics: Principle and Method of Preaching, 2004; reprinted 2007, 2012; 2017;397 pages. ;《讲道学: 讲道的原则和方法》(第四版).
The Epistle of James: A Reconciling Message that Deserve a Hearing, 2006; reprinted 2008; 345 pages. 《雅各书: 当聆听的和平信息》(第二版). 新约圣经译作
Interlinear Greek-Indonesian New Testament and New Testament Concordance (Vol. I, II), 2003, 2004, 2006, 2009 (fourth reprinted edition), 2014 (revised edition), 2019; 2.195 pages. 《新约希腊语-印尼语逐字译本与 新约经文汇编》(希印逐字译本) (修订版第二版 ).